Why My Property Vault?
A Home Inventory from My Property Vault
Provides Benefits for Maximizing Payment of Insurance Claims,
Assigning Valuables to Specific Heirs In Estate Plans & Tax Deductions
If your personal valuables in your home are damaged, lost or stolen you cannot recover the value of items if they are not documented properly for an insurance claim.
Our Home Inventory Services:
• Document all of your assets in one place
• Helps you with proving a loss due to damage or theft
• Helps you to understand the value of your assets
• Speed up your insurance claim because you won’t spend time trying to make an inventory after damage has already been done.
• Re‐Evaluate Your Insurance on Valuable Items
• Create scheduled personal property as an add‐on to your insurance policy to insure high‐value items for their full value.

Estate Planning Benefits
Home Inventory Services Can Do For You:
- Provide a complete breakdown of your assets can assist in the development of wills, ensuring that your beneficiaries will receive any inheritances according to your wishes
- Help with fairly distributing inheritance to beneficiaries
- Determine items could achieve a higher value prior to an Estate Sale
- Can give family members visibility into the assets of your estate
Financial Planning Benefits
Our Home Inventory Services:
- Do you know the value of every possession you own?
- A detailed list, to help you understand the cumulative value of your assets.
- Can get proper value for each assets
- Helps your financial planner keep track of your overall net worth
- Documents any improvements and upgrades to your home, potentially improving the appraisal value
Accounting & Tax Benefits
Our Home Inventory Services:
- Can assist with depreciating assets
- Can assist with itemized deductions for charity contributions
- Can assist with business expenses associated with purchases
- Can provide a clearer picture of your financial health
- Assists with losses after a claim for tax purposes